Jumbles 5.0 Help File =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Keys: ----- <1-4> = Choose to solve one of the daily jumbles edraw = Redraws the screen should line noise distort display iew = Displays top ten bulletin ll Time High = Displays All Time High bulletin nstructions = This file uit = Back to BBS Bonus Round: ------------ Only by successfully answering ALL 4 daily jumbles can you advance to the 'Bonus Round'. Once at the Bonus Round you have two options: 1) Use 'Q' to quit without being penalized points. 2) Attempt to answer. The Bonus Round will display jumbled letters (for one or more words), a one-line clue to the answer, and a phrase containing blanks. The jumbled letters, once unscrambled, will form a word(s) to fit within the phrase. Scoring: -------- Daily Jumbles: 25 points for correct answers -17 points for incorrect answers Bonus Round: 150 points for a correct answer -100 points for an incorrect answer